Hugo Themes
A modern hugo theme for awesome blogs
- Author: Rafed Muhammad Yasir
- Minimum Hugo Version: 0.57.2
- GitHub Stars: 38
- Updated: 2022-05-06
- License: MIT
- Tags: Blog Responsive
A modern hugo theme for awesome blogs
Site features
- Google search bar
- Google Analytics
- Social sharing bar (facebook, twitter, reddit)
- Comments with Disqus
- Customizable navbar
- Admin panel (Not a real admin panel though. It simply shows the summary of the total number of posts, tags and sections)
- Mobile responsive- works great across desktops, tablets and mobiles
- SEO friendly (Opengraph, Twitter cards)
Blogging features
- Attractive landing page with article/tag links everywhere
- Add featured images to posts
- Making sections for related articles (for example tutorials on a topic)
- Add code snippets
- Add math equations
- Add tags to articles and list articles by tags
- Add chord to lyrics (CSS style for ChordSheetJs)
Future plans
- Google adsense
- Suggestions for reading more articles at the end of an article
- Support for facebook comments
Installation & Update
$ # install
$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git submodule add ramium
$ # update
$ git submodule update --remote --merge
If you want to know more information, see Hugo doc.
- Make sure you follow the template structure of the examplesite (including the config.toml)
- When you manually create files by following quick start (step4), you should command
hugo new posts/<filename>.md
instead ofhugo new post/<filename>.md
. - For the admin panel, sections list and author page to work the ‘addons’ directory must not be deleted.
- Detailed instructions are coming soon here.
baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
theme = "ramium"
title = "Ramium"
disqusShortname = "disqus-code"
googleAnalytics = "analytics-code"
pluralizeListTitles = false
enableemoji = false
description = "A description for the meta tag of the site"
googleSearch = "google-search-code"
showDate = true # make false if dont want to show date for evergeen articles
math = false # best to enable this in the front matter of a page
githubLink = "rafed/ramium/"
tagsInHome = 40 # set zero to not show in home page
sectionsInHome = 5 # set zero to not show in home page
paginatePostsPerPage = 5
paginateTagsPerPage = 6
tag = "tags"
unsafe = true
name = "Home"
url = "/"
weight = 1
identifier = "blog"
name = "This Blog"
weight = 2
parent = "blog"
name = "All Tags"
url = "/tags/"
weight = 1
parent = "blog"
name = "All Sections"
url = "/sections/"
weight = 2
parent = "blog"
name = "All Posts"
url = "/posts/"
weight = 3
name = "Author"
url = "/authorr/"
weight = 3
Frontmatter example
title: {{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}
date: {{ now.Format "2006-01-2" }}
tags: [tag1, tag2]
image: "/image/blog-pic.jpg"
description: "A smalll description"
showDate: true/false # to enable/disable showing dates
math: true # to enable showing equations (katex)
chordsheet: true # to add chordsheet styelsheet
If you find problems with the theme raise an issue. Also, contributions/pull requests are welcome.