Hugo Themes
A theme following the brutalist idea (not in the sense of 'ugly' but in the sense of 'true to the material'
- Author: M E Leypold
- Minimum Hugo Version: 0.92.2
- GitHub Stars: 0
- Updated: 2022-04-03
- License: MIT
- Tags: Blog
Brutalist-Minimalist Theme
Brutalist-Minimalist is a Hugo theme inspired by David Copeland’s manifesto on brutalist web design: Web “content true to its construction”.
The idea here – being true to the construction or materials – is not to be confused with the trend to ugly and/or intentionally unusable design (I heard, that trend is dead, but on the other side there are some rumours).
What the Brutalist-Minimalist theme tries to achieve is:
Minimal styling for content that would also be readable without any styling.
Math integration via KaTeX.
A printing style that looks more like a printed article than like an image of a web site.